Attraxion is one of my personal glamourie rituals I have perfected over the years, that allows for incredible amounts of ATTRACTION to flow towards you. If you are in the public eye, this is ideal for you. It will be the platonic and non-platonic ;) -- type, a type of spice and allure that people will simply want to talk to you and be around you often.
For the non - platonic version, people will READILY open their desires for you which will often take you by surprise. So if you feel a person has feelings but hasn't said much, Attraxion can often allow them to feel safe and comfortable to share it with you. Be RESPECTFUL of someone's heart and what they feel for you when they chose to open up.
For the platonic and business versions, expect your experiences/products/services to shoot up as well as many people clamouring to get into your energy fields.
Disclaimer : Please ensure if you are spiritually sensitive/gifted such as myself that you deploy strong boundaries with this one.
Attraxion has never failed me, and it will never fail you, either.