10 Card QUICKFIRE Email Spiritual Consultation
Sometimes, we want to get to the HEART of a matter.
We don't have the time to fuss about or waste trying to understand a situation. We want a QUICKFIRE OVERVIEW about what it is, and how to proceed.
The Tarot, is not just a "fortune telling" concept, as many mistake it to be. It holds some of the most complex and deepest mysteries of the HUMAN RACE and in one card alone, there is a plethora of a story that will help you see CLEARLY into your situation.
This consult allows you to see how to press forward, reverse, maneuver, or use dexterity in your circumstances to provide INSIGHT above INFORMATION.
After all, there is nothing that the cards cannot answer.
They hold the deepest mysteries and are willing to help you in ANY AREA.
The real question is :-
Are you willing to help YOURSELF?
We are ready on the other side, when you are.
Please submit your question to us after purchase directly to support@thespartanite.com or alternatively, use the Contact Form.