When she enters the COURT, all rise and stand for the Queen within her.
The EMPRESS, is the supreme of the FEMININE, the wilderness of the feminine that has been suppressed by society, making a woman seek approval and tip-toe around what is deemed suitable for her.
Women are not allowed to be themselves because they have a role to play to please, impress, and be a fake charade to be accepted.
So many women suffer with medical health issues, depression, and, codependent behaviours, because we are not allowed to be ourselves.
But how many times have you seen a truly brave woman and admired her?
Almost feared her, because secretly, you wanted her power?
You want to WORSHIP YOURSELF IN YOUR GLORY AND YOUR PRESENCE. You want to be a woman who is in LOVE with her OWN SELF, her speech, her body, her looks, her gait, her presence, and her mere existence.
This world isn't interested to give you what you desire. It will force you to become a doormat to please others, a man, society, and anyone who can take from you.
But you, you're here for a different reason.
You're here because you know YOU MATTER.
Do you know how many women simply wished to be someone else?
This LUXURIOUS piece will encourage you to embrace Divine Love with a partner who adores you, beauty, and, a fierce unending love to see the EMPRESS within you. No matter what size, ethnicity, or, background, you will activate THE RED FLAME OF DESIRE WITHIN YOUR OWN BLOOD.
You will calm and soothe yourself into a place of total recognition and you will worship the ground YOU walk on.
Long gone will be the days that you ever sought approval from someone else. You will embrace the might of the Goddess, the Goddess that has always ran free and wild inside you as a little girl -- to be the QUEEN of her own destiny.
This piece will provide you with a spicy charm and a level of empowered feminine respect for yourself that few women ever possess access to, in this lifetime.
Isn't it time you put yourself first, for once?
You are all you HAVE.
Giddy Up, it's time to unleash the WILD WITHIN YOU.
Invest in this piece to activate your FLAME.